

A "Praecipe" is a written request or directive issued by an attorney / advocates or party to a case to a court clerk or judge, typically asking for a specific action to be taken. Praecipes are commonly used in court proceedings to request actions such as filing documents, scheduling hearings, issuing subpoenas, or making other administrative arrangements related to a case.

A praecipe would follow a specific format prescribed by the court rules or guidelines. The format may include details such as the title of the case, case number, names of parties involved, specific action requested, date, and signature of the attorney or party making the request.

While the exact format may vary depending on the specific rules and procedures of the High Court, a typical praecipe format may look something like this:


[Header: Name of the Court]

[Address of the Court]


[Title of the Case]

[Case Number]

To the Honorable [Name of the Judge or Clerk]:

[Opening Salutation],

Please take notice that [Attorney's Name or Advocate's Name or Party's Name], representing [Name of the Party], hereby requests the following action to be taken by this Honorable Court:

[Description of the Requested Action]

This request is made pursuant to [relevant court rule or authority].

[Closing Salutation],




Please note that the actual format used in practice may vary, and it's important to adhere to the specific requirements and guidelines of the High Court when drafting and submitting a praecipe. It's also advisable to consult with a legal professional or refer to the court's official resources for accurate guidance on praecipe formatting and procedures., pub-2642043771229658, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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